Editing For a Cause

May 7, 2022

As the world grapples with the war in Ukraine, one Hutton Miller client is passionate about trying to help. The Heart and Valor foundation was created to benefit Ukrainians who are afflicted by the conflict. The newly formed, American based foundation seeks to provide relief in the form of assisting refugees with relocation, humanitarian aid and delivering critical supplies to civilians and first responders.

While Hutton Miller is not affiliated with Heart and Valor, and receives no benefit or compensation from the foundation, we do support the positive intention of providing help to those in need. This is why we decided to donate our editing time and talent to the creation of Heart & Valor’s call to action video.

It can be difficult to know the best way to help. In the Atlantic article “How Individual People Can Most Help Ukraine” Joe Pinkster says that donating money and time is most useful, as opposed to sending physical items. Also important: calling or writing your representatives in Congress and urging the government to keep supporting Ukraine and to take in more Ukrainian refugees.

We wish our friends at Interlink the best with Heart and Valor, and we are happy to support their active desire to make a positive change in the lives of those who are suffering.