Gemini 5K delivers cutting edge Video

April 25, 2018


Here at Hutton Miller, we constantly strive to maintain the highest levels of creative and technical capacity in order to deliver the production our clients have come to know and love.

Our creative team is built from talented individuals who, while specialized, each possess a range of abilities that allows them to flex seamlessly between essential tasks. This is the exact quality that excites us so much about the new Gemini 5k S35 Sensor that pairs with our Red Epic-W camera.

Created to capture images in deep space, this sensor’s capacity for high resolution and cinematic image quality in low light conditions is unparalleled. As if this weren’t already impressive enough, the Red team has expanded the ability of the S35 Sensor to allow it to toggle seamlessly between low light and normal light, thus instantly streamlining the shooting experience.

For our clients who are working with innovative kids’ toys, our ability to showcase Glow-In-The-Dark has now epically expanded. The magical transition-and-reveal moment when the lights go out, subtle lights play on enraptured kids’ faces while the product dazzles the audience is truly priceless. Luckily, Red understands the desire of digital filmmakers to capture cinematic moments like these, delivering quality high enough to please even the grumpiest post production editor.

We are excited to see what projects will benefit most from this latest enhancement to our technical suite. Both our clients and our creative team have a deep-seated constant need to realize their creative vision in new and exciting ways.

So far, the DPs are happy, the clients are impressed, and there are no complaints from the editing department. We love the new Epic-W Red Camera, and adore the new Gemini 5k S35 Sensor.

With all its variables, one thing is sure in this business: it’s always evolving. Staying up to speed is a big part of the fun…you never know when you’ll need to shoot in Outer Space!