Today Show: Mighty Putty Pulls a Plane!

January 1, 2014

In a special Today’s Consumer report Going to Extremes: Inside Look at the Making of an Infomercial, the Today Show‘s Janice Lieberman travelled to the Mojave desert to see the Hutton Miller team in action, shooting a spot for the new Mighty Putty Purple. The crew used the putty to fuse together metal sections of a multi-component linked chain attached to the front of an enormous 747 aircraft, before towing it across a desert airstrip….all to demonstrate Mighty Putty’s incredible strength. Ms. Lieberman called the stunt “over the top” and “really something to see.” When asked by her co-host if it was “for real”, she responded “It was not rigged, it was real.” “Very impressive.”

Watch it here: